My sister wanted Itunes vouchers for her Birthday and so I created this card to accommodate the gift card as well. Thanks Rosemary Mary for the idea on QVC Craft day !!
I felt the need to make some spooky ATCs , a couple of these will go off for this months swap on Alternative. I had great fun with these images I found on the Internet and am pleased with the spooky results !
One of the projects I did over the summer was this canvas clock. Just a normal canvas, mine is 6x6 I think, then decorate as you like, push a hole through the middle and fit a clock. Make sure you do the centre screw up tight otherwise as happened to me you will have a clock that keeps stopping and days of scratching your head trying to work out why !! It took me ages to figure out that the second hand was getting stuck. Its working fine now though !
I have just completed a family of 5 paper art dolls for a swap on Alter Native.I have had great fun with these, never done any before and now find myself looking out for things to use to dress a paper doll, so I don't think these will be the last. The template was from the Internet and then corsets and hats from a reprinted Bloomingdale's catalogue I bought years ago, told Andrew it would be useful !!!! The little grey feathers were a gift from Herman, my cockatiel, who is moulting, promise ! The Geisha was my own design. Now all I have to do is say good bye and send them off to their new lives, sob sob
When ever we go on holiday I like to keep a diary.Helps us when we have to put all the photos in order ! So here is the one I made this June for our holiday in Filtmoos, Austria. Had a bit of a fest with my 12 inch long dies for my cutter. We had a great holiday, walked almost every day and had fantastic weather, except for the thunderstorms.Would you believe I had bruises from the hailstones when we got caught in one storm !!
I can't believe its been so long since I have added to my blog. Although I have had a terrible summer health wise I have been playing and so have some new things to show you.If you would like to see the rest of the fat book pages, it did get finished, you can see them in my folder on the forum website. Please don't be shy and leave a comment, otherwise I don't think anyone ever looks !