Saturday, April 20, 2019

Wanderlust week 12

Wanderlust online course - week 12 - Theme rivers - Teacher Kasia Avery.

    This weeks page was concentrating on enjoying the process of making the page and not always expecting a finishe page at the end of it. 

So we made a pull out book made of different papers and fabric which represents a river. We then added stones to dangle below and painted the background of our book. The book was added to the page and the background of the page painted. 

Then we had to stop!

I also made some of my own tape to add to my page and used some paper beads I had made ages ago.

Later we can go back to our river page and continue the process.

We have been given prompts to pick at random with ideas for the next few layers untill it is eventually finished, when ever that may be!

It feels funny showing you a page half finished but I will post the finished page whenever it is finished.

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