Saturday, February 15, 2014

AJC January pages

Here are 2 of last months journal pages for the caravan. I am late posting them and haven't been posting because of a horrible week long migraine so I was avoiding looking at a computer screen as much as poss. But here they are

this one was from one of the Be Mused cards we get, to do a nature diary. I must admit I did try to pull out another card several times but this one kept coming back so I thought it was meant to be. It did coincided with the Big Garden Bird Watch ( bird watch for an hour over the given weekend and record the highest number of each bird you see at any one time) here in the UK so I used my results to make my page.

For this the word of the week was Bright! So I went bright!


trisha too said...

Oh gosh, love that bird LO, how fun!

Sorry to hear about the migraine, those are awful, bleah.


Sandi said...

Katrina, love both, but the bird watching I keep going back to, it is great. I am still lagging so far behind, but will not fall to the itch of feeling guilty, just not enough time or me to get everything done, I do tend to bite off more than I can chew, lol, hugs